Why Britain?

Beatles Set
The domination of the rock and roll scene by the British officially began in the mid 1960’s with the Beatle’s famous arrival in New York City after their explosion from obscure local band in Liverpool to a national hit in all of England.   Arriving with brash confidence, the band began a new age in American music by grabbing the attention of the rebellious and rapidly evolving youth (1).  Since then, the other side of the Atlantic has delivered some of the greatest artists in recent history to the United States from The Rolling Stone to The Who to The Sex Pistols to Radiohead.  This website will explore why Britain during the last century has acted as the perfect environment to keep producing great rock bands at a far higher rate (per person) than anywhere else in the world.

(1)- "British Invasion." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 20 Apr. 2010 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/80244/British-Invasion>.